In this episode with Peter Wilson we discuss the 13 calendar months, health, privacy, the corrupt officials and more
 #checkmatethematrix #matrix #peterwilson
About my Guest:
Ex Royal Navy gunner and armourer, turned professional fighter. Owned and ran own martial arts gym for about 30 years. Always been aware of something not being right in the world, went deep into it after losing over £1million of property in 1 week including own home. So been up and been down even living in a car for a while with his wife Janine and 4 dogs.
Awakening Podcast Social Media / Coaching My Other Podcasts 
What we Discussed:
01:10 His Recent Event

04:30 Oxygen Therapy

07:20 Salt Therapy Room

10:15 Water Vortex Machine

13:35 Ozone Generator

15:45 What was discussed about Crypto at the Event

22:40 What is an Asset

25:20 Gold and the French Warships going to the USA

29:00 The FIAT Currency

32:55 The 13 Month Calendar

36:20 The Tides do not change

41:40 Changing the Hrs twice yearly

44:10 Protecting your Electronic Devices

46:40 Cookies on the Internet

49:15 There is No Privacy

51:49 A lesson to Children about saying harsh words

55:30 People are afraid to Support the People fighting the System

57:30 People in Power Do Not Have Empathy

1:00:15 City Officials treat you like Crap

1:03:30 Is Your Job Helping Society or Hurting it

1:03:50 GDPR to Help with Debt Collectors

1:11:11 Holistic Dentistry

1:18:04 Chemotherapy and Alternatives

1:18:50 The Fog and how we can make change

1:20:30 The Mouse in the Farmhouse Story

How to Contact Peter:
All about Roy / Brain Gym & Virtual Assistants at
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✦ YouTube: / @roycoughlan ✦ Instagram: / awakening.podcast✦ Facebook: / royawakening
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#gdpr #sovereign #commonlaw #naturallaw