#203 Solutions to Autism - Kerri Rivera

Freedom International Livestream
On Tuesday, January 31, 2023
Guest: Kerri Rivera
Topic: Solutions to Autism
Kerri Rivera
• D. Hom (Los Angeles school of homeopathy) USA.
• Certified as a D.A.N clinician by the Autism Research Institute - 2006. Founder of the first clinic for autism in Latin America under the Biomedicine approach, Mexico - 2006.
• Author of the book Healing The Symptoms Known as Autism Edition I (2013) Edition II (2014), translated into Spanish, Portugues, Turkish and Italian.
• Author of the book A Modified Ketogenic Diet, (2018)
• Author of the First Aid Book - 2020
• His books on hers were written in English and have been translated into Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German and Turkish.
She has been a lecturer since 2007 at AutismOne, the largest Autism conference in the United States.
More than 2,000 recovered cases of autism and more than 100,000 people improving their quality of life, without any harm.
Before Facebook's censorship, her support groups had more than 50,000 followers in more than 10 languages.
Autism is treatable, preventable and recoverable!
What we Discussed:
- Her son with Autism
- Censorship
- How to Remove Toxins
- How to Help Parents with an Autistic Child
- The Corrupt FDA
- Chlorine Dioxide
and more
Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA
Podcast: Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bless
Hartmut Schumacher
Dr. Jayne Marquis, ND
Podcast: INpowered
Dr. Karl Moore, PhD
Roy Coughlan
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